Acceptable For Your Recycling Bin
Marshall County residents are throwing items in their recycling bins that don’t belong.
Keep scrolling to see what to put in and what to keep out.
Always remember to keep recyclables loose and leave the plastic bags out!

Mail & Office Paper

Steel Cans

Newspapers & Inserts

Paperback Books

Cardboard Rolls

Plastic Jugs

Paper Bag

Glass Jars
- Keep jars clean with no food residue. Lids can be recycled too, but take them off first.

Cardboard Boxes

Laundry Room Plastic
- Plastic bottles and jugs from the laundary and cleaning closet.
- Dispose of the pumps and nozzles.
- Please remove lids and rinse and dry.

Bathroom Plastic
- Empty and clean plastic bottles from bathroom.
- Dispose of the pumps and nozzles.
- Remove lids.

Aluminum Cans
- Soda cans, Beer cans, Some Lemonade and Tea cans
- These are redeemable if taken to can redemption.

Magazines & Catalogs

Plastic Bottles

Plastic Bottles
- Empty and dry plastic bottles from cleaning supplies.
- Please remove the caps.
- Dispose of the pumps and nozzles.

Glass Bottles
Not Acceptable For Your Recycling Bin
Some of these materials are recyclable, just not in your curbside bin. Click on the image to see where they can be recycled.

Plastic Bags
- All types of plastic bags.
- Plastic bags and wrap can be recycled at local stores, but not in your curbside bin.

- No needles in recycling bins - even if they are put into a plastic jug!
- These are considered Hazardous Materials and must be disposed of accordingly.


Shipping Air Pillows
- All types of shipping plastics.
- Air pillows can be recycled at local stores, along with your grocery bags, but not in your curbside bin.

Bubble Wrap
- All types of shipping plastics.
- Bubble wrap can be recycled at local stores, along with your grocery bags, but not in your curbside bin.

Case Wrap
- Plastic case wrap on water bottle packages, toliet paper, paper towels, etc.
- Case wrap can be recycled at local stores, along with your grocery bags, but not in your curbside bin.

Foam Containers
- Coolers, cups, plates, takeout contaienrs, foam packing blocks, egg cartons, packaging peanuts, etc.

Plastic Pouch

Dirty/Unclean Containers

Soft Plastic Packaging
- Plastic bread sack, water bottle packaging, paper towel and toliet paper packaging, etc.
- These may be accepted at sites that accept your grocery bags.

Mobile Phones
- Electronic devices, cords and batteries.
- Tell the scale operator you have these items and they can be recycled in E-waste.

Electronic Devices
- Electronic devices, cords and batteries.
- Tell the scale operator you have these items and they can be recycled in E-waste.

Glass Dishware

Drinking Straws

Baking Aluminum & Tins

Glass Panels

Clothes & Textiles
- Clothes, textiles, shoes, rags, towels, etc.
- Reuse tip: donate items that are in good condition.

Dirty Diaper

Pots & Pans

Used Aluminum Foil

Hardback Books

Garden Hose

Used Propane Tank

Shiny & Glittery Gift Wrap
- Shiny/glittery gift wrap, tissue paper and bows.
- Try reusable gift bags or recyclable paper.

Greasy Pizza Box
- Can always recycle the sides and top if free from cheese and grease.
- Greasy or cheesy pizza box.

Frozen Food Containers

Paper Cups

Plastic Utensils