Hazardous Materials: are NOT accepted at this time. They will be accepted by appointment only starting in Spring 2025.
Information from Iowa’s DNR:
Proper disposal of household hazardous waste brochure
Guia para desechar basura Peligrosa del Hogar
Asbestos information, contractor information and load manifest documentation.
Latex Paint Guidelines
Latex paint is non-hazardous and can be put into the landfill after it is dried up. Take the lid off and let it dry out or take a cardboard box with newspaper in the bottom and pour it out into layers. Add cat litter or floor dry to each layer and let it dry. After it is dry you can put it into your regular garbage. Let your hauler know it is dried out latex paint so he knows he can take it.
Household Hazardous Materials Information
Appointments must be made to bring Household Hazardous Materials (HHM) to the landfill satellite building.
Call 641-752-0646 for an appointment. Items are accepted between 9:00am—3:00pm at no charge to residents. Identify the materials and the quantity of items being dropped off. Please try to keep the materials in the original container or a closed container marked with the contents.
*Sharps must be in either a red sharps plastic container or a marked hard plastic liquid laundry detergent bottle. The detergent bottle must have the cap screwed on and sealed with duct tape.
No milk jugs are allowed. These are DOT Guidelines.
ACCEPTABLE Household Hazardous Materials
Garage & Workshop
- Acids/Bases
- Acetone
- Aerosol cleaners
- Antifreeze
- Auto Polish
- Auto starter fluid
- Brake fluid
- Car wax
- Carburetor Cleaner
- Caulk, Flammable
- Contact Cement
- Driveway sealer Varnish
- Epoxy Flammable
- Gasoline & Kerosene
- Glues
- Lighter fluid
- Paint, oil based & lead based
- Paint remover
- Paint thinner
- Petroleum based adhesives
- Roofing tar
- Shellac
- Stain
- Windshield washer solution
Home & Garden
- Aerosol cans
- Batteries, button type
- Batteries, rechargeable
- Brush killer
- Cell Phones
- Concrete Cleaners
- Fertilizers
- Fungicide
- Metal polish (solvent based)
- Moth balls
- Pesticides & Insect Spray
- Pool chemicals
- Rat, mouse & gopher poison
- Rust removers
- Spot remover
- Wall paper remover
Kitchen & Bathroom
- Ammonia based cleaners
- Drain cleaners
- Floor care products
- Oven cleaner
- Polish remover
- Sharps (syringes)* see DOT guidelines above
- Solvent based cleaners
Items NOT Accepted
- Ammunition or explosives: contact your local Police or Sheriff Department
- Asbestos: For information relating to disposal of asbestos containing material, contact the landfill.
- Fire extinguishers: Call (641)485-9046.
- Latex paint: can be dried out and thrown away, contact the landfill (641)752-0646 with questions.
- Materials in containers larger than 5 gallons: Contact 1-888-603-2739.
- Radioactive materials: Contact a specialist.
- Yard waste: City of Marshalltown Compost Facility
Regional Collection Center For Business and Farm Chemicals
Any business that generates small amounts of hazardous materials may use the Metro Waste Authority Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Facility in Bondurant.
Hazardous Material Drop-Off. There is a fee for businesses based on the amount and type of hazardous materials brought to the facility. Call the Metro Hazardous Material Drop-Off, Bondurant, Iowa at 1-888-603-2739 for answers to your questions. You must fill out HHW Business Form_VSQG