Solid Waste
Commission of

Marshall County

Solid Waste
Commission of

Marshall County





Lead Acid Batteries

Mixed load

Motor Oil

Propane Tanks

Residential Recycling

Scrap Metal

Car and Truck Tires

Dump/Semi Tires

Tractor Tires

Tires on the Rim

Tires (by the ton)

TV's & monitors

Unsecured small load

Unsecured large load




$58/ton ($15 min.)


$116/ton ($30 min.)



$5 (min.)




call for pricing

add $2





All card transactions will include a 3% convenience fee with a minimum of $2.00


Effective September 1, 2019

Unsecured loads will be assessed a fee of:

$20.00 for small/residential loads

$40.00 for large/commercial loads

All vehicles used in the transportation of any garbage, refuse or other materials of any kind, shall be fully enclosed and shall at all times in transit be kept covered with an adequate cover or canvas cover, tied down in such a manner so as to prevent scattering of the contents of the load. This rule shall apply to all loads of materials. An appropriate cover is not limited to a canvas cover but may be plywood, or some other material, which entirely covers the load and is securely tied down.

Payment Options

Cash, Check*, Credit** or Debit** cards accepted.

* We only accept checks from our service area, this includes Marshall County, City of Collins, and City of Colo.
** All card transactions will include a 3% convenience fee with a minimum of $2.00

Holidays Closed

New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day

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